Ana sayfa → Kelime Testleri → Zamirler → Aitlik Zamirleri Testi (possessive pronouns) Zamirler Aitlik Zamirleri Testi (possessive pronouns) Kırmızı harfle yazılmış kelimelerin yerine gelecek zamiri bulun. 1. It is not your car; it is my car. my mine I me None 2. They sold their house. theirs their they them None 3. I cleaned my car and he cleaned his car. him his he his's None 4. This house is our house. ours our we us None 5. She borrowed her husband's phone because her phone is broken. she her hers hers's None Kırmızı harfle belirtilmiş zamirlerin yerine gelmesi gereken kelime grubunu bulun. 6. Jim saved his money but Janet spent hers. hers money she's money shes money her money None 7. This is my pencil; that is yours. your money your pencil yous pencil None 8. I bought my shoes from Adana; Cemil bought his from Erzurum. his shoes he shoes he's shoes him shoes None 9. Our country is stronger than theirs. they country them country their country theirs country None 10. Your country is smaller than ours. us country our country ours country we country None Time's up