Etiket: ingilizce okuma parçası

The Cloak Page VII

10 Şubat 2019 ile hasan

“Why is it impossible, Petrovich?” he said, almost in the pleading voice of a child. “All that ails it is, that it is worn on the shoulders. You must have some pieces—” “Yes, patches could be found, patches are easily found,” said Petrovich, “but there’s nothing to sew them to. The thing is completely rotten. […]

The Cloak Page VI

10 Şubat 2019 ile hasan

Akaky Akakiyevich was vexed at arriving at the precise moment when Petrovich was angry. He liked to order something of Petrovich when he was a little downhearted, or, as his wife expressed it, “when he had settled himself with brandy, the one-eyed devil!” Under such circumstances Petrovich generally came down in his price very readily, […]

The Cloak Page V

10 Şubat 2019 ile hasan

Akaky Akakiyevich had felt for some time that his back and shoulders were paining with peculiar poignancy, in spite of the fact that he tried to traverse the distance with all possible speed. He began finally to wonder whether the fault did not lie in his cloak. He examined it thoroughly at home, and discovered […]

The Cloak Page IV

10 Şubat 2019 ile hasan

Even at the hour when the grey St. Petersburg sky had quite disappeared, and all the official world had eaten or dined, each as he could, in accordance with the salary he received and his own fancy; when, all were resting from the department jar of pens, running to and fro, for their own and […]

The Cloak Page III

10 Şubat 2019 ile hasan

It would be difficult to find another man who lived so entirely for his duties. It is not enough to say that Akaky laboured with zeal; no, he laboured with love. In his copying, he found a varied and agreeable employment. Enjoyment was written on his face; some letters were even favourites with him; and […]

The Cloak Page II

10 Şubat 2019 ile hasan

In this manner did it all come about. We have mentioned it in order that the reader might see for himself that it was a case of necessity, and that it was utterly impossible to give him any other name… When and how he entered the department, and who appointed him, no one could remember. […]

French Revolution Part II

23 Ocak 2019 ile hasan

Fransız Devrimi, sebepleri, gelişimi hakkında bilgiler veren, neredeyse her kelimesi resimlerle açıklanmış, her bölümü hakkında testler bulabileceğiniz bir makale 1791 ve sonrası / A simple English article about the French Revolution. Almost each word is visually explained. The period after 1791 until Napooleon

Keloğlan and His Neighbors

14 Ağustos 2018 ile hasan

Keloğlan’ın karşılaştığı sıradışı fırsatlar ve kötü komşularından çektikleri bol görselli ve animasyonlu anlatımla / The extraordinary opportunities that Keloğlan has and the problems with the vicious neighbors told in simple English with pictures

Sıfırdan İngilizce Ders 6

18 Temmuz 2018 ile hasan

Yavru kediler hakkında İngilizce bilgi, şimdiki zaman örnekleri can/can’t örnekleri / Information about kittens, present continuous tense examples, examples for the use of modal can

Sıfırdan İngilizce Ders 4

17 Temmuz 2018 ile hasan

Resimli sesli kelime anlatımları, şimdiki zaman ve geniş zaman örnekleri, karşılaştırma sıfatları için örnekler / Words with pictures, present simple and present continuous tense examples, comparative – superlative examples